
Perry Kaufman designs and leases algorithmic trading systems to institutions and individuals. Personnel affiliated with KaufmanSignals.com do not provide clients with personalized investment or financial advice, investment recommendations, or trade execution. They do not direct client accounts. They are not registered investment advisors, licensed financial advisors, or registered broker/dealers. Affiliates and staff of KaufmanSignals.com do take positions and effect transactions that may or may not be consistent with strategies provided in this publication.

The information presented are not personalized recommendations and your personal investment objectives or financial situation is not considered. Leveraged trading on margin is intended for sophisticated investors and is not suitable for everyone as it is possible to lose money greater than the amount in your account. These markets are complex and carry a high degree of risk; therefore, we encourage the investor do independent research to determine if trading in securities and derivatives, including ETFs, futures, and options, are suitable for their particular situation.

While the information provided is based on sources believed to be reliable, no warranty of any kind, expressed, implied, or statutory, is made concerning the accuracy of the data. It is important to note that past results are not indicative of future returns. All performance results are simulated. The company may, at its own discretion and without notice, make changes that it deems necessary, to any or all of the trading programs. Any changes that the company considers significant will be noted in the program description on the website KaufmanSignals.com.

No written or published materials constitute a solicitation, recommendation, promotion, endorsement or offer of any particular security, transaction or investment product.

All rights reserved. Reproduction, distribution, public display, or exhibition for profit is prohibited.

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